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OSTF Minutes11-10-2008
                                               OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                                                    November 10,2008

Attendance: Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Sue Larsen, Betty Osbourn, Roy Normen, Marcia Banach, Carol Heffler, Jim Snow, Betty Warren

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:37 pm.

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes

      Minutes of the October meeting were accepted as amended.
New Business

       Roy Normen walked the property on Nevers Road.  He has a concern over the increase in sumac.  The property should be maintained so this doesn’t become a problem.  Roy also mentioned the Priest property.  He has concerns that the property owner nearby is encroaching . Louise Evans thought there were open space designations on the property boundaries but there are none. Betty Warren said the witch hazel plants on the Nevers Road property are doing well.  Roy wanted to know if the two parcels of farmland are still being used as farmland.  Jeff Folger will be able to answer that concern.  
        Betty Warren asked if all letters to Matt Galligan could be sent to the members of the Town Council also. Everyone thought that was a good suggestion.
        Marica Banach said the Nelson property would be discussed in executive session this evening.  She also reminded everyone about the Roberts Rules of Order class on 10/24.
Old Business        

         Pat Botteron said the Family Awareness Day was a success.  Many residents asked about Wapping Park, the Priest House and Lawrence Park.  Betty Osbourn worked the event with Pat.  OSTF handed out coloring activity books and bags.  The money for the bags came from our budget and the Planning & Zoning budget. Pat asked if Betty Osbourn would get us copies of the Chamber of Commerce map of South Windsor.  Pat has responded to many residents and non-residents about volunteering to help with the parks.
         The priority map was reviewed for final acceptance.  There were a few comments to better the map such as adding all the numbered properties in the table.  Roy Normen would like to add greenway corridors to the map.  One correction on the map was a property with no designation and the group rated the land.  Marcia Banach said a new map could categorize the town owned land so that we could see the open space vs. town utilized land.  Once this is completed, Roy Normen said we should present the map to the Town Council for approval.
           Pat Botteron would like to hold another property owners meeting.  Everyone seemed to agree although Carol Heffler suggested we shouldn’t do it until after the holiday season.  
Other Business

     No correspondence.

The next meeting will be December 1st .

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:26 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen                                     Amended 1/5/09